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January 26, 2009


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ellen townson

This is a great idea- it might definitely help you to keep track of things. I remember this post from earlier- have you had other things happen that made you decide to post this new blog? It sounds to me like you DO have paranormal activity. I consider myself pretty practical and educated, so when I lived in a house in college (15 years ago) and things like you describe started to happen, I thought I was going crazy. I definitely did not believe in ghosts. I mean, I actually hired a plumber, because the shower went on by itself. The poor man left thinking I was crazy! But sometimes you just have to experience it to believe it..........


ummm yeah. I have a friend who lived near Cherokee park and had an experience with a ghost. Also a ghost named Oscar used to answer phones in an office near Old Louisville. And leave the smell of smoke in the non-smoking building.


????!!!! How the heck did I miss all this?
Is this still going on?

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